Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Academic Resolutions

When writing my essay about academic resolutions, I really decided to shoot for the stars. Re-reading my essay made me feel like I was so young and inexperienced at the time. I still stand by my goals, but there is no way I can accomplish all of them by the end of the semester.
I have stuck to some of my goals, for example I do keep a thesaurus and dictionary with me to improve my vocabulary when I write my essays. Other goals, spelling for example, continue to be a struggle for me. I will keep working to accomplish my goals, although they may take longer than I originally intended.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

sweet home alabama

Big wheels keep on turning. Carry me home to see my kin, singing songs about the Southland. I miss Alabamy once again and I think its a sin, yes. Well I heard mister Young sing about her.  I heard ole Neil put her down. Well, I hope Neil Young will remember a Southern man don't need him around anyhow. Sweet home Alabama where the skies are so blue. Sweet Home Alabama, Lord, I'm coming home to you.In Birmingham they love the gov' nor Now we all did what we could do.Now Watergate does not bother me. Does your conscience bother you? Tell the truth. Sweet home Alabama where the skies are so blue. Sweet Home Alabama, Lord, I'm coming home to you.Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers And they've been known to pick a song or two. Lord they get me off so much. They pick me up when I'm feeling blue. Now how about you? Sweet home Alabama where the skies are so blue. Sweet Home Alabama, Lord, I'm coming home to you. Sweet home Alabama;Oh sweet home baby. Where the skies are so blue And the guv'nor's true. Sweet Home Alabama Lordy Lord, I'm coming home to you Yea, yea Montgomery's got the answer.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Of course when people think what would make them the happiest, most people think about stuff they don't have. When I think "Glenn what would make you truly happy?" I think about being comfortable exactly where I am. This includes but in not limited to: a happy marriage, kids I love with all my heart, owning a house, and a steady job. Having those few things would make me the happiest human on earth. Everything else is icing on the cake. I have hobbies that make me happy such as fixing motors, I can fabricate, weld, hunt and fish. I have a supportive family. The only thing I need is to plan for the future!
Thanks for reading

Monday, September 8, 2014

Make it or Break it Deadlines

Deadlines are the cause of stress, whether written or understood, people all around the world feel the weight of deadlines. As a student by day and a Fire Fighter/ EMT by night. I have a variety of deadlines that could mean the passing grade of a paper, or sever blood loss and brain damage to a patient. EMT's at my station are required to be out the door within 5mins of dispatch regardless of the time of night. That is deadline number one. Victims have the best chance of survival if brought to the hospital within "the golden hour". The golden hour is the first hour, starting when the siren fires up. There is no rule that says we have to follow this but it us understood by EMT's, medics, and US. Air Force PJ's alike. The golden hour is a deadline that requires lights and sirens, it requires me to wake up and be on the ball instantly. EMT's must quickly and safely size up the scene, stabilize the patient and get to the hospital within this deadline.
 I also have written deadlines. In the college application process I missed a very important payment deadline and all my classes were dropped the night before College started. As I frantically ran around trying to get my classes back I wondered what would happen if I couldn't make this work. I had no plan B. Fortunately I am able to write this blog and attend all the classes I signed up of originally. Dropping the ball on that deadline hurt and I learned I need to read all the restrictions before calling it a day and slacking off.
Deadlines have their advantages too. They keep things moving forward. I set personal deadlines so I can stay on top of things. Last week I was put in charge of painting the membership office. I set the deadline 3 days at most. Because of this I got it done in a timely manor.
Above all deadlines are stressful they can be painful, but deadlines keep things moving. They keep EMT's from losing Patients, make it so professors can follow a curriculum, and ultimately so people can be more productive.
Thanks for reading!